Monday, April 30, 2012

Boot Camp Day 1: Complete

Day 1 of boot camp is done.

I'm pretty spent, but I actually feel really good at the same time. The camaraderie of being in a group setting definitely motivates me, especially being 1 of 2 girls in a group of 20. It's very motivating to keep up with the boys... and I think I did a decent job on the first day.

Day 1 was an assessment workout - to see where we are at the beginning:

1/4 mi lap around the park – my time: 2:19 min
1 minute of push-ups – my count: 10 regular push-ups, 19 knee push-ups
1 minute of crunches – my count: 45 crunches
1 minute of shuffling back and forth (basketball style) between two cones – 23 reps


3 minutes of pushing a balance ball across the field. Holy heck that was hard!!
3 minutes of running in a square around cones. forward, sideways, backwards, sideways. It sounds easy, but it was rough.
3 minutes of running while someone pulls you in the other direction with a rope around your waist.

then, a warm down of stretching and basic yoga.

As I said before, I am spent... but somehow my energy is slowly regaining.

I feel good, and I like that.

Day 1: Successful.


This weekend was a complete setback. I'm a wee bit disappointed in my complete lack of exercise this weekend... Especially saturday since I usually swim or go for a hike. Instead I worked on my tan. I had that "Monday I'll start everything" attitude...

...But now it is Monday, and today, on this lovely Monday, I start body boot camp.

this boot camp was offered as a lunch break option at my work, and since I was already in the routine of working out on my lunch break, I figured this might be a more efficient solution to getting a great workout.

I work out better when someone else is telling me what to do.
I work out better when there are people around me because my pride won't let me give up in front of a crowd.

I'm hoping that knowing I am going to be doing an hour of strenuous activity is going to help my eating habits during the week.

speaking of healthy food, my current obsession is:
starbucks protein box.... boiled egg, apple, grapes, peanut butter, cheese... can it get any better?
it's easily made at home, which i plan to start doing, and it's got all the good stuff you need in the morning. i love this thing for breakfast!!

anyways, I am excited and a little bit nervous about this boot camp... 
but I'll report back this afternoon.

Let's see how this goes.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So I went for a run yesterday. I didn't plan to run far, maybe just a mile. I haven't been running much this year, and I am trying to change that. I used to run a lot. Like, 2 to 3 miles a day. Sometimes more. I am still amazed at how dedicated I was with it.... I must get back there again, because right now I feel like this pretty much sums me up:

I did run 2 miles instead of 1 yesterday. That's a pretty good start.... Boy am I feeling it in my legs today. What a painfully great feeling it is too. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


For a long time now many people have told me I look like Adele.

Family. Friends. Strangers. They all see it.... 
and I sort of do too, with the exception of our chins... and while I am sure it was always meant to be a compliment, I used to find myself not terribly flattered. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing woman with talent coming out of her ears... it just took me a while to realize that it was indeed a huge compliment. 

Just because she's not a bean pole doesn't mean it's not a compliment.

Anyways, after seeing Rasha's post I finally decided to post these photos so you can see for yourself.

What do you think? Do I really look like her?

Monday, April 16, 2012

7 week challenge

In seven short weeks, I am heading to VEGAS for my best friends birthday.

You know what this means... lots of cute dresses and, dun dun dun.... the dreaded bathing suit.

I have come the the conclusion - there isn't going to be a better opportunity (or better inspiration) to kick-start my weight loss, than this trip right here. I have been on a bit of a roller coaster lately with all of the stress and life crazyness... and my diet has also been on that roller coaster.

So starting today, I am on a majorly strict diet. Not a crash diet, but close to it.... for seven weeks. Lean meats, LOTS of veggies and good fruits, and minimal carbs. Then, once VEGAS is over, I will slowly start maintaining what foundation I've developed from those seven weeks, and begin a new healthy chapter.

Week 1 starting.... NOW.